The story begins on a Tuesday morning in January,
it is the 29th day of the year 1980.
A little girl named Nele was born.
As an Aquarius, she started very early to become an eccentric and
weird person.
Only her ascendant Taurus helps her sometimes
not to loose her view for reality.

The years went by and little Nele grow up.
After she visited the Kindergarten, she went to
school and made her Abi in 1999 which allows her to
go to university.
During this time she survived a few broken bones
and her hair colour changed very often.
The former blonde and curled hair became now black
and (mostly) straight.

After finished school, Nele didn‘t know what to do
with the rest of her life.
Finally she started to study literature at the University of
And she started travelling around the world, Asia, Australia and
America are already visited.
Right now she has a special relation to the United States,
especially to Austin, Texas.

In April 2001 she met this guy Spike, who flied on her right shoulder and decided to stay there forever.
In April 2003 two other bats moved to her skin. They are living now on her lower back.